WP_Query Execution Time
WP_Query Execution Time
Measure the execution time of a specific WP_Query and log it to the browser console.
How to use
- Activate the plugin
- Pass all of the the
instances you want to target as an array to thewpqet_target_query_id
filter - Review the console to view the execution time for your queries
Filter example
* Target Query ID
* @return string
function acme_target_query_id_filter( $ids ) {
$ids = array( 'your_query_id', 'another_id_here' );
return $ids;
add_filter( 'wpqet_target_query_id', 'acme_target_query_id_filter' );
Example output
WP_Query Execution Time for wpd_products_widget: 0.0337 seconds
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Hash Verification
ZIP files downloaded via this site have an associated SHA256 hash.
On Mac, you can use the sha256 command to calculate the hash of a downloaded ZIP file. Open terminal and execute:
sha256 [filename]
Where [filename] is the name of the ZIP file. If the hash matches the one on the website, the ZIP file is genuine.
On Linux, you can use the sha256sum command to calculate the hash of a downloaded ZIP file. From a shell, execute:
sha256sum [filename]
Where [filename] is the name of the ZIP file. If the hash matches the one on the website, the ZIP file is genuine.
Github Repository
This project is located on Github in the repository robertdevore/wp-query-execution-time.
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