Neznam Atproto Share
Neznam Atproto Share
Automatically share to Authenticated Transfer Protocol networks like BlueSky
This plugin enables automatic posting of articles to ATProto networks like BlueSky. This plugin was written primarily for BlueSky, but it should work with other ATProto networks as well.
The plugin adds a new section in the Settings -> Writing page where you can enter the login information for your ATProto network.
A new meta box is added to the post editor where you can select weather to share the post to your ATProto network and what status to use.
If no status is selected, the plugin will use the title of the post as the status.
The plugin shares the post to your ATProto network when the post is published via the WordPress cron system. So make sure you have the cron system working on your WordPress installation.
We recommend hooking up the cron system to a cron job on your server. You can find more information about this in the WordPress documentation.
- Upload
in Plugins admin page, or install directly from the plugin search - Activate the plugin through the 'Plugins' menu in WordPress
- Setup the login information in the Settings -> Writing page
Frequently Asked Questions
Can I use this with BlueSky
Yes, you can use this with BlueSky. Just make sure you have the correct login information. BlueSky default URL is default in the plugin settings.
Please visit App Passwords in your BlueSky account to generate a new password for this plugin.
Can I use this with other ATProto networks
Yes, you can use this with other ATProto networks. Just make sure you have the correct login information.
If you have any ideas or suggestions, please feel free to contribute to the plugin by submitting a Issue or Pull Request in the GitHub repository for the plugin.
This plugin is released under the GPLv2 or later license.
The following is a list of the most recent releases for this plugin.
2.0.0 - 2.0.0
SHA256 hash:0c9b501909916c7a3f27b7f60d95a68239baf55f3d74940e3c5f882665ddeb6f
1.7.0 - 1.7.0
SHA256 hash:4eb47269cf70a00f9436cde799db60f83a9bfdee1b3ce9c40b7fca85925924cc
1.6.0 - 1.6.0
SHA256 hash:24ef1361f0ad0c61437ae7420f0b4758681b78253a218611850de383ed6dd3a2
1.5.0 - 1.5.0
SHA256 hash:430560505122b555f96b001e4b00ea82886274fbd04c1eb65cee77c50c5edbe6
1.4.1 - 1.4.1
SHA256 hash:ad9914c363663ab8e50baa5f697eb732e0a577fd29449c831cea9f590ca7a161
1.4.0 - 1.4.0
SHA256 hash:3034ee03633ac46407907700d6a9327ecffc3c3b4beb16ac4685e559a2f7af71
1.3.2 - 1.3.2
SHA256 hash:d0576eee877b84b54b850c1351ff91043b5cf0563161865448d54d2ac12e6d0e
1.3.1 - 1.3.1
SHA256 hash:fe48e61e3c95a591b76942ea8b7fd8b87804289dccee658d75d0997372cefd7c
1.3.0 - 1.3.0
SHA256 hash:8b93bc9b6c24202089f02b1415e1c9b1415b8305217066ea3d6392f9de4bcb52
1.20.2 - 1.20.2
SHA256 hash:567138df7823bce50bf5d8f838d17683e58e1b3f578495b3dfdd81353595b4b5
1.20.1 - 1.2.1
SHA256 hash:46f03a0235b3538d6bcc2ced8f44c19804d843792e509016cd6fc379c68f5a2e
1.2.0 - 1.2.0
SHA256 hash:bcb887e924716176e2027c9b30b9e822815487aa1214e544cf5a98e30471b9a8
1.1.1 -
SHA256 hash:9914a7796f33cf56aa9f15372860a1fa758016b7d7d449c8415132676cf16faa
1.1.0 - 1.1.0
SHA256 hash:fbb13249bed82c07e9564c45935e795f07f79073040fc476c6d7114f5638d133
1.0.0 - 1.0.0
SHA256 hash:60f167f0e1f9305bfb073133559e96e184cdd876ecde6cdb7a4c87bfdf3b58d2
The following is a list of the most recent issues for this plugin.
Images cannot be larger than 1MB
Add the ability to replace WordPress comments with replies from Bluesky
Installed, connected but...
Publish the post's excerpt if "Text to publish" is blank
Introduce functionality to support multiple post body formats
Suggest a plugin review
Adjusts admin output to keep hrefs
Add logging, with log levels, for fixing errors and debugging
Code linting and optimization
Run `wp-coding-standards/wpcs` to have all code pass linting
In some situations, `neznam-atproto-share-url` becomes unset
Fix issue #4 - `neznam-atproto-share-url` becomes unset
Plugin leaves text blank when `text-to-publish` not present
Moves the record->text check from null coalescing to checking for empty
Token refresh is not triggered
If a post attempt fails for reason of expired token, try to refresh
Language fix, typo fix, version increased.
Signing Authority
This plugin has designated a signing authority for all future ZIP file releases. That means in the near future, when you download a ZIP file, it will be verified cryptographically using information provided by the designated website,
If you are a plugin or theme author, this information is provided in the main Plugin of Theme file, using the Authority: header.
Hash Verification
ZIP files downloaded via this site have an associated SHA256 hash.
On Mac, you can use the sha256 command to calculate the hash of a downloaded ZIP file. Open terminal and execute:
sha256 [filename]
Where [filename] is the name of the ZIP file. If the hash matches the one on the website, the ZIP file is genuine.
On Linux, you can use the sha256sum command to calculate the hash of a downloaded ZIP file. From a shell, execute:
sha256sum [filename]
Where [filename] is the name of the ZIP file. If the hash matches the one on the website, the ZIP file is genuine.
Latest Release
The latest official release is below.
Download 2.0.00c9b501909916c7a3f27b7f60d95a68239baf55f3d74940e3c5f882665ddeb6f
Github Repository
This project is located on Github in the repository ne-znam/neznam-atproto-share.
Star Support Project