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A new forward-thinking dashboard for WordPress-compatible websites

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Signing Authority

This plugin has designated a signing authority for all future ZIP file releases. That means in the near future, when you download a ZIP file, it will be verified cryptographically using information provided by the designated website,

If you are a plugin or theme author, this information is provided in the main Plugin of Theme file, using the Authority: header.

Hash Verification

ZIP files downloaded via this site have an associated SHA256 hash.


On Mac, you can use the sha256 command to calculate the hash of a downloaded ZIP file. Open terminal and execute:

sha256 [filename]

Where [filename] is the name of the ZIP file. If the hash matches the one on the website, the ZIP file is genuine.


On Linux, you can use the sha256sum command to calculate the hash of a downloaded ZIP file. From a shell, execute:

sha256sum [filename]

Where [filename] is the name of the ZIP file. If the hash matches the one on the website, the ZIP file is genuine.


The latest development archive is available below.

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Github Repository

This project is located on Github in the repository duanestorey/precipice.

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Crafted by Duane Storey
Follow @duanestorey Author image for Duane Storey