Omni Contact Form

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Omni Contact Form

Omni Contact Form is a WordPress plugin for people who want a basic contact form. It aims to be light and simple to use.


Page at WordPress Plugins


  • It uses shortcode attributes for configuration (no settings page)
  • It has required fields only (if a field is in the form, it must be filled)
  • It is light
  • It is discreet (only adds JavaScript and CSS to its own page)
  • It is ready for translation
  • It displays a printable copy of the message after submission


  • Server
    • PHP 7.0 or newer
    • WordPress 4.9.9 or newer
    • WordPress REST API (part of WordPress since version 4.7)
  • Browser
    • JavaScript (there is no fallback for browsers without JavaScript)
    • Version released after 2012


Automatic via

Search for Omni Contact in your WordPress dashboard and install the first result.

Automatic via GitHub

Use the GitHub Updater plugin.


Add the shortcode [omni-contact-form] to a page or post to display the form. This shortcode generates the default form: two fields (email address and message) and a submit button.

To customize the form’s appearance and behaviour, you can use a number of shortcode attributes (see tables below).

Here are two examples:

[omni-contact-form name="yes" quiz="yes" cc="10"]

[omni-contact-form quiz="yes" message-label="Your complaint"]

The first example generates a form that, in addition to the defaults, has a name field and a quiz field, and also sends a carbon copy to the WordPress user with ID 10.

The second example generates a form with a multiplication quiz and with the message label Your complaint (instead of the default Message).


The basic attributes you can use to customize the form are:

Attribute Value Default Description
prompt yes/no no Include a prompt message in the form
name yes/no no Include a name field in the form
subject yes/no no Include a subject field in the form
quiz yes/no no Include a multiplication quiz as a basic antispam measure
css yes/no yes Include basic styling
cc number not set ID or IDs (comma-separated) of users to send carbon copies to
to number not set ID of user to send the messages to (overrides WordPress default)
redirect number not set ID of page or post to redirect to after successful submission


If a cc ID is invalid, no carbon copy is sent for it.

If the to ID is invalid, messages go to the default address (email address for admin puproses in the General Settings of WordPress).

If the redirect ID is invalid, there will be no redirection after successful submission.

The plugin adds notices at the top of the messages it sents if there are invalid cc, to or redirect values.

Custom form labels

There are also shortcode attributes to change the default labels:

Attribute Default
email-label Email address
message-label Message
name-label Name
progress-text Sending...
submit-label Send
subject-label Subject

Custom form messages and alerts

You can also change the default messages and alerts using the following attributes:

Attribute Default
answer-empty The answer is missing!
answer-wrong The answer is wrong!
email-invalid The email address is not valid!
email-empty The email address is missing!
message-empty The message is missing!
message-short The message must have at least 12 characters!
name-empty The name is missing!
name-short The name must have at least 4 characters!
subject-empty The subject is missing!
subject-short The subject must have at least 4 characters!
mail-error Mail error: Could not send the message.
network-error Network error: Could not connect to the server.
old-browser To use this form, please visit the page with a newer browser.
prompt-text Send a message to get in touch!
thank-you Thank you for your message!

WordPress themes

Omni Contact Form should work with any WordPress theme. It has been tested with several, including:

  • Checathlon
  • GeneratePress
  • Independent Publisher
  • Shoreditch
  • Twenty Fifteen
  • Twenty Nineteen
  • Twenty Seventeen


  • Only one form can be added to any page or post.


  • It seems many themes provide styling for input[type="submit"] but not button.


  • Justin Tadlock for his review of an early version of Omni Contact Form.
  • The WordPress Plugin Review Team for their help and suggestions.

No releases yet.

Hash Verification

ZIP files downloaded via this site have an associated SHA256 hash.


On Mac, you can use the sha256 command to calculate the hash of a downloaded ZIP file. Open terminal and execute:

sha256 [filename]

Where [filename] is the name of the ZIP file. If the hash matches the one on the website, the ZIP file is genuine.


On Linux, you can use the sha256sum command to calculate the hash of a downloaded ZIP file. From a shell, execute:

sha256sum [filename]

Where [filename] is the name of the ZIP file. If the hash matches the one on the website, the ZIP file is genuine.


The latest development archive is available below.

Download Latest

Github Repository

This project is located on Github in the repository demetris/omni-contact-form.

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